Sunday, 27 September 2015

Invisible Cities - Thumbnails

Slightly more refined thumbnails, but still keeping shapes really simple so that I can try and workout composition and viewpoints - I have always drawn characters and they never had backgrounds, so finding this quite tricky at the moment.


  1. Really loving these concept designs! I love the idea of a floating city with pillars supporting parts of the city. Also I really like the interesting perspective used to show different parts of the city :D

  2. Some very impactful thumbnails, Mark - though I'd bypass giving too much energy to the addition of characters - especially as yours seem 'non-human', when in terms of the logic of the source material, these would be cities for humans (Calvino hasn't written a genred book in the sense of fantasy being an alternate universe of alternate lifeforms). Remember to number your thumbnails too for ease of reference - for example, I like the composition of the 'tall' image on the top left and the landscape image next to it (top), but that's taken me loads of words to describe!

  3. Oh - thumbs up re. the attention to detail re. the 'branding' of your pages - for example, your influence maps: I can already see that professionalism in this regard is important to you - and an example to others too. Good stuff.

  4. Agree with Phil, everything is branded beautifully and is a lovely example of good practice. Some numbers on the thumbnails is the only thing that is missing.

    That being said, I love these, they have so much energy and mood behind them. I want to visit this city!

  5. These are really good! So imaginative...
