Thursday 5 April 2018

Major Project - Intro Scene Pass 02

Cleaning the second pass of the Intro section. Nearly there, got a few issues that need sorting, especially in the first walk and the face.

But, the fun thing is, this all works as Alembic caches, as I thought I was going to be stuck with rendering in arnold as for the nodes it placed in at the begining. But now I can chose which renderer to use and its not going to be arnold.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark - apologies for tardiness... so, I've looked at this a few times and I'm looking at his feet and I think it looks as if his feet are 'sliding' when he first walks across the screen - like it's locking him below the knees - that's where the awkwardness is coming from I think - it looks to me like someone walking on ice and worrying about it? Also - just in terms of staging, his hand comes up to his helmet as he looks around, but it's blocks his face - I guess this is what I was doing, but could you move that action on his other arm as I think it would improve if we could see his expression here?
